An aspiring NYC playwright (Jessica Williams) gets over a painful breakup by bonding with a man who was also recently dumped (Chris O'Dowd). LaKeith Stanfield and Noël Wells co-star. Written and directed by James C. Strouse.
James C. Strouse
James C. Strouse
- 3 1/2 stars out of 5! This was a cute little film and pretty darn funny! I really like Jessica Williams, who plays Jessica James. I used to enjoy her on "The Daily Show". She embodied this roll well and even did well with the more serious parts of the film. She was able to be more than just funny. :)Reply
- A standard plot that's made realistically modern, elevated by Jessica Williams in a breakthrough role, captured an intriguing character at her most and least likeable.Reply
- Loved this! Jessica Williams amazing in the lead role, very funny, excellent timing. Lovely, sweet story. I have a bright yellow jump suit that I love but was afraid to wear but, following this film, I am now wearing with pride!! More films like this please!Reply
- a really great job by Jessica Williams in this very well done film.i want to see more of her. quality filmaking and great executionReply
- Great ending with characters I liked, but the acting and chemistry left a bit to be desired.Reply
- Absolutely loved it! If it comes out on blu ray I will grab it. As a matter of fact someone get it on iTunes please. Thanks ??Reply
- Engaging. Realistic. Idealistic. Power to the young determined woman who wants to follow her own path.Reply
- Great movie. Though it features numerous tropes associated with the genre, it also subverts them with a fresh take and some smart humor, stellar writing and a fantastic lead performance from Williams sure to spiral her towards the top, as well as great supporting performances from O'Dowd, Stanfield and Wells.Reply
- Jessica Williams kills it in her relatable, silly, affectionate portrayal of a young woman trying to live her best life.Reply
- The Incredible Jessica James isn't going to wow you with a groundbreaking story and a new flashy style of editing but will instead wow you with amazing performances, relatable characters, sharp comedy, and engaging drama. One of the best romantic comedies of the decade and my personal favorite movie of the yearReply
- Hilariously written! Grabs you instantly and takes you on an unexpected journey... LOVED IT!Reply
- It's a very conventional story with Chris O'Dowd playing his character from Bridesmaids and Thor: A Dark World but Jessica Williams makes up for it with her great performance.Reply
- Wth? I thought that this was a new tv series and was very much looking forward to watching the upcoming episodes. So cute and witty ... I need more!Reply