In the near future climate change has wreaked havoc in parts of the American Midwest. In its attempt to take hold of an economic recession, a government agency called the Humanity Bureau exiles members of society deemed unproductive and banishes them to a colony known as New Eden. An ambitious and impartial caseworker NOAH KROSS (Nicolas Cage) investigates a case appealed by a single mother RACHEL WELLER (Sarah Lind) and her son LUCAS (Jakob Davies). Knowing the unjust fate of the innocent boy and against the wishes of his superior ADAM WESTINGHOUSE (Hugh Dillon), Kross sets off to save the lives of the mother and child and to expose the truth about the Humanity Bureau's secrets once and for all.
R (for violence)
Rob W. King, Rob W. King
Minds Eye Entertainment
Dave Schultz
- Love this movie!! Not only does it have Nicholas Cage, it has headstones lead singer Hugh Dillon... You can not go wrong with these two!!! I can not stop watching this movie!!! I am aiming to see it 100 times before the end of the month....Reply
- Director Rob W. King and screenwriter Dave Schultz's engaging effort has enough standard genre elements to satisfy more open-minded sci-fi fans, and its political-allegory angle is ultimately quite potent without becoming too heavy-handed.Reply