This stylish, star-studded caper comedy stars Uma Thurman (Kill Bill franchise) as Harriet and Tim Roth (The Hateful Eight) as Peter, a con-artist couple cooking up a jewel-theft scam in L.A. to pay off sexy gangster Irina (played by Maggie Q). Having squandered Irina's loot one drunken night, Harriet and Peter escape to Hollywood, where they plot to steal a priceless jewel from Peter's loopy ex-wife (Alice Eve) to repay the debt. The dazzling cast also includes Parker Posey (Superman Returns) and Sofia Vergara (TV's "Modern Family").
R (for language throughout, drug and alcohol use, some sexual content and violence)
James Haslam
Alex Michaelides, James Haslam
- The thought that this movie could be something of a parallel to the soap opera we are daily witnessing at the White House picqued my curiosity enough to go see it. Even the title seemed analogous and I was not disappointed. Every character in this movie is a scoundrel-some more lovable than others to be sure-and their craven attitudes, back stabbing and lame excuse-making is a sight to behold.Tim Roth and a great-looking Uma Thurmann play Peter and Harriet (Harry) Fox, two high-society thieves and conmen who end up on the run from the casually-murderous Irina (Maggie Q) after they blow a satchel of money from one of her drug deals. From London they high-tail it to LA to chill out and try to figure a way to grift off of high-price hotels and steal some jewelry to keep them going until Irina's wrath blows over. They drop in on Sidney (Stephen Fry), a old crime associate now an unrepentant Catholic priest ("that nasty pederast" as Peter puts it) who later betrays them by dropping a dime on them and telling Irina they're here in Hollywood.Harry is the brains behind the partnership while Peter, who's so constantly soused and drugged up he can barely do more than follow orders and stagger from one place to the next. They decide to check up on Peter's ex wife Jackie (a hilarious Alice Eve) who is engaged to a successful movie director Gabriel (Crispin Glover). Jackie was given a $5 million ring by Gabriel "to atone for his sins" as she puts it. The sins in question are Gabriel's blatant womanizing, dividing his attention between Jackie, his delusional and obsessed personal assistant Gina (Parker Posey), and the passionate Vivian (Sophia Vergara) the latest starlet he's working with. The status symbols of Hollywood culture (a much-abused staff, a personal "house guru" named Gurmukh, a housekeeper "we flew in from Mexico," etc.) keep it all interesting. There's no lack of ego and rivalry, nor efforts to indulge either at any time. One of the funniest bits was when Harry is mistaken for the arrival of Jackie's "dog whisperer" to help her communicate with her little chihuahua. At the end Peter and Harry end up with the ring when Jackie, in a rage at Gabriel, throws it into the bushes right into Harry's champagne glass.It's true there isn't much of a story arc here and absolutely no character arc but I found the biting satire satisfying. Especially considering this movie was finished in 2015 but for some reason was not released until now, just as all the passengers in the Presidential Clown Car are being exposed. Tell me there isn't a God in heaven.Reply