Take a closer look at the "dumbing down" of contemporary culture in an alternately enlightening and hilarious documentary from filmmaker Albert Nerenberg produced to explore the prospect that willful ignorance has increasingly become a strategy for success in the realms of politics and entertainment. From the Internet to television to popular film and virtually everything in between, stupidity's stronghold over society has reached an all-time high. Despite the vast potential that mass media holds as a tool of education and self-betterment in modern society, why is it that the masses are so determined to simply turn on the television and turn off their brains at the end of the day? In an era where even the mere mention that mass media may be detrimental to our mental development may prove offensive to the vast majority of consumers, director Nerenberg gathers some of the best-known cultural critics, authors, and academics of our generation for a thought-provoking exploration into the potentially damaging effects of film, television, and other forms of media on the modern mind. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Albert Nerenberg
  • Despite this documentary, stupidity is a really hard concept to nail down. It's interesting to see how it's an extremely varied thing, from mistakes that seem obvious in hindisight, to knowingly undertaking stunts that will injure oneself, to classical instances of failure to understand, this movie tries to cover them all. It's pretty interesting, but it raises more questions than it answers. I wish I could have participated in this discussion.
  • Honestly, I don't think they explored the topic of stupidity enough. The clips of the various stupid things that they showed, such as the Jackass clips and the Bum Fight(s) clips made me want to see them interview the guys from Jackass and Bum Fight(s), etc., and get another persons take on why ppl are so fuckin' stupid and why do they admire that quality in others. (Supposedly, Steve-O was in this somewhere, presumably the Jackass clips. I would have appreciated it if they had interviewed him tho, it is important to take note of the fact that Jackass is completely scripted & those guys had/have EMT's standing by when they film(ed) those scenes. Bum Fight(s) is/was very much real!!) It also doesn't appear that those who made this movie actually conducted a single interview depicted in this movie. The various interviews, with the various amounts of video and audio quality, made me recognize that they inevitably took interview clips from various websites, radio stations, tv stations, book signings, & celebrity events, etc., and just pieced them together haphazardly; brevity is not a virtue but, I guess you can say that they got it done. They just didn't do it very well.Also, the narrators voice is so familiar but, WTF have I heard it before?! On Flixster he's a ghost; they don't even have a picture of him...I would actually have appreciated it if they had done more indepth interviews. This might have added to the seriousness of the film which could have taken away some of the humor but, I wouldn't have minded if the interviews were relevant and insightful. I found it to be quite funny but, it could have been a lot better.
  • Somewhat thought provoking, but really just more "stupid" entertainment. I'm OK with that.
  • Yes. People are officially stupid.
  • I like some of the directions they took with this movie. You have to keep in mind that a lot of the facts are bled through with the viewpoints and opinions of the creators of the movie - hence the 3.5 stars. It's got interesting ideas in it and creates thought, that's the majority of what I was after.
  • i like documentaries that inspire self-reflection. a good cognitive exercise. too bad not enough people care to think this deeply...about anything really. perhaps Plato was right about the Philosopher Kings. *sigh*
  • Because we're all at least a little stupid. Check out the true state of the human condition.
  • Interesting and humorous docu about stupidity. I definitely buy into the theory that ignorance is brought on by belief systems (people try to bend facts to their belief systems). Also, the guy at the end promoting stupidity is hilarious, but I'm too stupid to know if he was being sarcastic.
  • I learned the origins of the words "idiot", "moron", and "imbecile" but I could have unearthed that in an article. I learned who some of the leading authors are in this understudied field of "stupid" but I could have unearthed that in an Amazon book search. I didn't leanr anything about the nature of "stupidity" other than it is hard to find a consensus on the definition of the word, but that lack of consensus hold true for any loaded and complicated subject that tries to pick one all-encompassing word to define it. I was, at least, impressed by the lineup of intelligent individuals the film-makers were able to interview. My biggest sense of being cheated by this film is that it doesn't do something so utterly obvious - interview and explore the lives of the "stupid". The film also never addresses the idea that stupidity, idiocy, etc can all be defined by their antithesis to a system to which most of modern societies subscribe, the fields of "logic" and "ration". This film just does not provoke enough thought on non-thought, and often ignores the elephant in the room of stating that the film-makers, like the researchers they are interviewing and referencing, define stupidity by a lack of awareness. But I guess that is all okay because the opening disclaimer is that the film was made by idiots.Just not a revealing documentary and not worth your time. If you wish to further investigate the realm of stupidity and its brethren, watch a few episodes of Jackass and make your own observations on why and what could be considered "stupid".
  • Enlightening, hysterical, and often enraging film about one of the greatest problems facing humanity as a whole.
  • "If you do manage to reach the moment of pure stupidity, you'll actually never know it."
  • Highly intelligent, yet so full of stupidity.
  • A funny documentary that explores the meaning of something that defines our society as a whole
  • Very interesting! Society is being dumbed down and we don't even know it! Everything is becoming geared towards teens, and the reverence we should have for our wise old elders is being turned towards the ignorant youth.....because its the youth that spend their money more freely! Great documentary, really makes one think...for a change!
  • Don't underestimate the power of stupidity. It's a human trait to be reckoned with.