Naked, a Netflix original film, is directed by Mike Tiddes (A Haunted House 1 and 2, Fifty Shades of Black) and stars Marlon Wayans (White Chicks, A Haunted House 1 and 2, Fifty Shades of Black). Rob Anderson (Marlon Wayans) is all set to marry the girl of his dreams, but can't quite get to the altar. Every time he comes close, he finds himself waking up naked in his hotel elevator, forced to relive the beginning of his wedding day over and over again.
Michael Tiddes
Marlon Wayans, Rick Alvarez, Cory Koller
- It's not a great movie. But I don't regret spending the time to watch it.Nothing especially new or original. But quite a few funny jokesReply
- I loved this movie, and so did the rest of the family! OK, so it's not an oscar contender, but if you want to see a funny comedy on a Friday night, this is worth seeing!Reply
- It's a fun movie, mind you, it's not great or a laughter ride but does manage to give you enough laughs to make it enjoyable.Reply
- It's not Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, or Caddy Shack, but this comedy is solid and I'm truly confused about the hate it is getting. It's not raunchy, it doesn't go to any extremes but goofs around with its story. It's a pizza and beer movie that will give you a good 90 minutes of chuckling.Reply
- Ignore the negative reviews, this movie is a funny, feel good film that touches the heart.Reply
- Don't know why people give this movie negative reviews. I really enjoyed it, it was so funny that I laughed in tears. Come on people, don't be harsh on a chilling movie. ??Reply
- One of the most emotional, heartwarming, and poignant films of the entire century, and possibly millennium. The artfully crafted dialogue juxtaposed with the humorous setting and occurrences help the movie's characters delve into the deeper meaning of love and marriage, and how to make it all work.Reply