In this Borat meets Jackass shockumentary, five little people and five mascots battle for one million dollars through 30 ridiculous competitions, including how many insults it takes to get punched in a bar, who can drink a gallon of milk the fastest and who can wrestle a live alligator. Gary Coleman, leading the ''Littles'' as himself, is a comedic freight train (or train wreck) as he gets into actual fist fights with mascots, coaches and even NBA star Scottie Pippen. Look forward to tear-inducing laughter when drunken and belligerent mascots take on a competitive and determined group of little people.
R (for strong crude and sexual content, graphic nudity and language throughout)
Ron Carlson
First Look International
Kevin Andounian, Ms. Terry Man
  • Funny watch but it could have used more slapstick and more nudity. I think I might have watched an censored cut.
  • Yes, it was really dumb. No, I probably wouldn't watch it again. But were there some funny (or really gross) parts along the way - absolutely!
  • Not a documentary, but you see that straight away, they dontv try disguising it. its a stupid concept, and comes off as a crappy jackass, but maybe more vulgar, the midgets thing i see but taking on mascots, basically people dressed up in costumes never pays off for me. although seeing that guy from diferent strokes getting involved was a interesting idea.
  • Offensive fun that's so bad, it's good.
  • If you don't laugh during this movie, check your pulse. If you don't like little people or mascots, check your pulse. Hilarious. And requires no real brain activity.
  • Hilariously entertaining...few moments when I wasn't laughing.
  • This movie is hilarious! I wish it has come out sooner but I can't wait to get my DVD on February 9th. This is the coolest you will ever see Gary Coleman!
  • I was hooked from the clips and trailers I had seen online. Bought the DVD and it just kept getting better. The unrated version will absolutely blow your mind... I couldn't stop laughing.
  • absolutely HILARIOUS-laugh out loud funny!It is definitely a bold movie but it pushes the envelope in all the right ways. Favorite character: giant taco mascot. Who thinks of that?
  • I saw this at the Tribeca Film Festival and it has some of the most painful funny scenes I've ever seen (i.e., check out the restaurant scene). I was blown away that it took third at the TFF, because it's really explicit humor, but hey, funny's funny no matter where you're at.
  • As a female I wasn't sure I'd like it - but I laughed out loud almost from the beginning! Lots of great one lineres and I'd like to see it again!
  • One word...awesome! From beginning to end I couldn't stop laughing. Absolutely hysterical. Can't wait to see the sequel!!!
  • Absolutely hilarious! Gary Coleman, midgets, mascots, Scottie Pippen getting beat up by midgets, a lactose intolerant midget in the milk gallon challenge... Seriously? I dare you to watch this and not pee yourself laughing! My brother gave me the DVD for Christmas, we took out It's a Wonderful Life to watch this. Ron Jeremy comes on and talks about a midget porn star that just died, that'll put you in the Christmas spirit! It was banned by theaters, which sucks for all of us that don't want to go see the same crappy movies. Just because it is not like The Notebook, and it has a little nudity, ok... a lot of nudity... and maybe some of that is Gary Coleman. No, I'm not kidding, this is the movie that Gary Coleman was talking about on Stern a couple weeks ago. He wants the scene with his junk taken out. Great concept, great characters. I have not laughed this much at the expense of others since watching Jackass. Don't miss this one!
  • At first I was skeptical, but when I went to the Dallas premiere I couldn't stop laughing. The competitions in this movie are hilarious and outrageous and I can't believe this wasn't made before. I mean mascots beating up a bunch of midgets...what could be better??!!
  • If I had to describe this movie in a restricted amount of characters like on Twitter I would only need about 10: WOW!!!!!!