4.4 Man-Thing
Horror, Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Directed by Brett Leonard, Man-Thing is based on a comic book series of the same name from Marvel Comics. When one of real-estate tycoon F.A. Schist's crewmen is killed while developing a drilling station, it's the local Seminole Indian tribe who are blamed, though they know that the real culprit is the Man-Thing, a vengeful Spirit inhabiting the body of fallen radical shaman, Ted Sallis. The monster resembles a towering mound of algae and plant life, with powers that can command plant life to take out the infringing human greed on its Louisiana swampland (with Australia sitting in for the Southern Bayou). Man-Thing features performances from Rawiri Paratene, Alex O'Lachlan, Rachel Taylor, Jack Thompson, and William Zappa. Long-delayed, the film bounced from home video to theatrical then over to cable as Lionsgate and Marvel debated the format that it'd be most successful. Eventually the film premiered on the Sci Fi Channel, and featured little resemblance to the comic character beside its use of names and basic creature design.
R (for violence, grisly images, language and some sexuality)
Brett Leonard
Artisan Entertainment
Hans Rodionoff
  • A surprising outing from Marvel, being more of a creature-horror movie than superhero action. It has plenty of those old monster b-movie tropes, some working for its advantage and others against. In the end, the action is too slow and the characters too dull. The effects are mostly good, with a few bad CGI moments. The atmosphere is amazing, a real treat for this kind of movie and the best thing it has going for it.
  • One of my favorite guilty pleasures! A terrible story, but it has the actress who plays Hellcat in the MCU, and some cool kills by the Man Thing.
  • A swamp thing meet American Psycho lol
  • Featuring all the elements of a low budget Horror B movie, Man-Thing, which is based on Marvel characters manages to be a decent horror flick that should please genre fans that enjoy a piece of cheesy, tongue in cheek horror. Man-Thing has a good idea going for it, but it does in good performances, but it more than makes up for it with effective gory moments and effective chills. As a genre picture, it's a decent affair, and if you love low budget schlock, then Man-Thing is a film worth seeing if you enjoy this genre of horror film. However for viewers wanting a more elaborate horror tale, there is nothing of note within the film to wet your appetite. Man-Thing is strictly a B movie, and it's for viewers of the genre only. I thought that the film was entertaining for what it tried to do, and though there are far better genre films out there, I didn't think Man-Thing was horrible either. The film may alienate viewers, and it's one of those horror films that can struggle to find its audience, but like stated, this is a B movie, for B movie fans and it might not appeal to other horror fans. For me, anyways Man-Thing was a pleasant treat, a film that's so bad, it's good, and it did its job well. Overall this is a decent film that should be seen if you enjoy a mindless monster movie that has low budget written all over it. The film may be severely flawed, but if you enjoy low budget pictures, then you ought to watch this one, just out of pure curiosity, you may find yourself liking it more than you should. Man-Thing is silly fun, pure and simple and it doesn't try to take itself too seriously, which is what makes it a fun viewing experience for those looking for it.
  • Personally, I don't think it's bad, it's a adaptation to the comic, don't have to be just like in the comic. And the dead body is ok, not so bad, though the alignment of the man-thing make me quite dissapoint, because it is not that vengeful like in the comic
  • An extremely under rated movie!
  • On the plus side this film looks great truth be told, despite the low budget and little faith from Marvel the film does look the business. The swamp looks pretty much like your perfect grotty, smelly, marsh-like festering pit with gnarled trees and lots of creeping vines, I was actually impressed as I really was expecting a cheap looking B-movie. Again I must throw kudos on the creature effects too, a mix of CGI and rubber suit (I think), a great set of buzzing red eyes, nice creature sound effects and good use of the swamp for assisting in the stealth approach all add for a decent looking creature not too far from how 'Spawn' looked in his film debut (CGI version).On the down side, a major downer really, is the fact the original comicbook story has been completely ejected and replaced with a simple horror based yarn. Now the title creature is simply a monster that kills anyone with no remorse or mercy, its basically a total bad guy. If your gonna make a film about a Marvel character then you really should stick to the original story, BUT to be honest the horror plot they have used does work even though its predictable and cliched. The makers really should have decided what they wanted to do here.So as said the plot is dumb and unoriginal but it does work as a fairly decent adult horror slasher type with plenty of gruesome moments, plenty of blood, plenty of body parts and absolutely no hang ups on not going down the kiddie route, well done. But then don't call this a Marvel comicbook adaptation when it isn't, make it an independent horror film.Other issues abound also such as major plot holes and some major explanation's needed simply because they haven't followed the comicbook, so no one watching will know what on earth is actually happening and why. On a final note despite the creature actually looking pretty darn good it also looks nothing like the original 'Man-Thing' should look like, thus you wonder why they even called it 'Man-Thing' when really this film, even though its quite fun, isn't really anything to do with the Marvel character as I said.Semi decent horror flick but has nothing much in common with the character its suppose to be about, strange. But on the whole its still good fun.
  • Like a monster flick, very enjoyable and the death scenes were inventive!
  • Nothing spectacular about it, but there's nothing really wrong with it save for the few odd over-used cliches. The monster itself is decently designed and looks pretty good despite the low budget. Despite the comic book company attached to it, this is practically a slasher horror.
  • When a corrupt company begins to drill for oil in a swamp in the middle of native American ceremonial lands, it raises a guardian that will stop at nothing to regain the land.This was an odd choice for Marvel to adapt into a movie as the character is no where as well known as X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc. But this isn't a problem as all they have really done is to take the character name, the location and then craft an entirely new monster story with some native American mythology thrown in for good measure. The movie itself isn't that bad, but the story is pretty cheesy and isn't anything new, has a 'blink and you'll miss it' ending and the characters are about as wooden as it gets. The Man-Thing itself is pretty impressive looking, but seeing that a majority of the movie takes place at night in a misty swamp, you really don't get to see a lot of what is going on. This is in no way a gore-fest, but the few killings you do get to see are pretty well handled. As I have mentioned above, If you are a comics fan, please don't watch this movie expecting a faithful recreation of the character as it is about as far removed from the original source material as possible. But if you are looking for no-brainer monster movie to put on in the background one afternoon, then you can't really go far wrong.
  • I don't know what you guys think but to be honest, I really liked this film. The beginning was really cool I mean there's a scene where these two people are having sex in a rowing boat and then the main creature known as the Man-Thing comes and kills the guy spreading blood all over the girl's boobs and turning her into a catatonic position and i was laughing hysterically at that scene. The rest involves who the killer/monster really is. For those of you who read the comics, you should enjoy this to be honestly fair. The monster is a guy named Theodore "Ted" Sallis who has an unknown past and the rest is just them trying to kill Ted which is quite awesome. The Man-Thing is a tree-like creature that can kill people with it's branch or twig like many arms and that sure did kick ass. the atmosphere is creepy the gore is really impressively brutal and it's over 18 rating really deserved it. It was hard to score this film but hey I finally made my mind up and gave it a 8.3/10. Yes I like this film and that's that.
  • An interesting, yet somehwat funny, horror flick...which could have done a little better.
  • Highly, enjoyable. B-films, seem to be replacing big blockbusters, in terms of actual entertainment. Man-Thing, is a very fun watch.
  • I was surprised when I found out that there's a movie about this Marvel's less heard character. It was decent monsterflick, the beginning was even promising with its small town mystics (like Twin Peaks) and weird humor. Acting wasn't even worst kind and soundtrack was ok. But then the movie started to concentrate raising its body count and it lost its focus. Manthing itself was done pretty cool.
  • The real star of this film is the swamp set they created which has plenty of eerie atmosphere. Performances aren't bad despite a weak script. The plot is functional enough but is a large departure from the original comic book in several ways - the most disappointing being Man-Thing himself who has become nothing more than a vengeful swamp spirit - his only similarities with the source character being that he's big, tough, ugly and lives in a swamp. A lost opportunity but not without entertainment value. PS. Parents beware - adult content.