A struggling actress in Los Angeles decides to steal from criminals after overhearing them at the diner where she works. She enlists the help of a young mechanic, but they quickly realize that the crooks want their money back and will kill them for it.
Michael Chrisoulakis
Freestyle Digital Media
Guy Jackson
  • Great movie. Loved the way it sways from dark to light style of filming... Really well done, good to see a movie that's different like this again. Some scenes and set designs made me feel like I was watching an Oliver stone movie. Impossible to predict this film and it had me tied to the screen from the very first frame to the very last (not often I find a movie as good as that anymore)
  • Pulls you in to a narrative of working towards hopes and dreams with a surprisingly sinister undercurrent. Beautifully shot and darkly humorous.
  • I loved the movie. It was great to see a film that was quirky, dark, full of twists and turns. It really reminded me of a modern day Alfred Hitchcock movie. The star for me was Elsa, she was ruthless, firce and full of sass. If you want a movie with that's a different from the norm with plenty of twists and turns, this is the movie for you.
  • I loved watching this beautiful film so much I had to watch it twice! The setting is the gritty side of LA, the characters are great, quirky, interesting, and the settings are not the glamorous LA but the less beautiful LA. The story is told very well. Your taken into the the story, with a Hitchcock feel and one really gets to understand how hard it is to Make It in Hollywood. How awful it is to be turned down by casting directors who control who will make it and who will not. I truly enjoyed the casting director, who I was not familiar with, played superbly by JamieLee Ackerman. She gives you the feel for how mighty, evil, overpowering, overbearing these casting directors can be. She put fear and desperation into the actors trying to get chosen by her. I wish I had seen more of her in the movie. Priscilla, the lead played wonderfully by Arielle Brachfeld, is trying to make it in Hollywood and will stop at nothing. She keeps getting turned down, can't make ends meet at her waitress job and goes way way over the line - don't want to spoil it for you, but she never gives up no mater what. Lin Shay is great in this movie as is Peter Bagdanovich. This film is destined to be a cult classic, I truly enjoyed it. I give it 5 stars!
  • This indie film is weird, intense and unusual. It definitely fits into the dark noir category. Starts out as the simple story of an aspiring actress just trying to make ends meet and blossoms into an off-beat kind of crime story thriller. The characters are quirky and unusual. The protagonist, Priscilla, is played by Arielle Brachfeld. She plays an aspiring actress who will literally stop at nothing to get ahead. The casting director, Elsa, is a rude, brutally offensive character and is well played by JamieLee Ackerman. This movie definitely has the right ingredients to become a cult film.
  • This movie is crazy, fun, weird and truly defines what it takes to make an indie film. Very inspiring. Reminded me of watching a David Lynch film played backwards.
  • I saw an early screening of LOS ANGELES OVERNIGHT. Gorgeous and gritty, this love/hate letter to Los Angeles taps into the zeitgeist to reveal the darkside of Tinseltown. Compelling, unexpected, with a stand-out style.