More vacationers are tortured for a fee in this third installment of the Hostel film series, this time being steered by director Scott Spiegel (Intruder) and writer Michael D. Weiss. Franchise creator Eli Roth returns to handle producing duties.
R (adult situations/language, nudity, sex, violence)
Scott Spiegel
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Michael D. Weiss
  • I watched Hostel 1 to 3 on Amazon Prime back to back on same day. Part 1 sets the stage for you. Part 2 is a direct sequel to Part 1 with little twists, and part three is stand alone story with even more unexpected twists in the story. Super explicit nudity, gore and violence.
  • The film's biggest fault is that its great ideas go largely unexplored.
  • Another blood fest and gore to be had at an off road hotel as a a private club show its hostages having their limbs cut off in front of betting punters.
  • not as freaky as the first 2 movies but really makes up for the lackluster sequel this time the setup centers on 4 guys having a fun time in Las Vegas and they unexpectedly get caught up in a big corporate scheme filled with torture and blood the Elite Hunting Group is built up way more as a social elite class system that gather round to watch the victims they pay to get killed in bids a majority of these characters are really forgettable but the main guy is put up to a challenge wanting to stay true to his word before marrying his fiancé and ultimately getting hacked a sudden reveal isn't hard to spot but makes sense given the start of the film's other relationship the first torture scene is icky...after that though it's a bit simmered down Eli Roth doesn't have a director's credit this time but instead it's Scott Spiegel taking the helm and he makes it not so annoying or intolerable a better installment on par with the first movie and makes you forget the other one
  • Surprisingly good for a direct-to-video sequel, this up ends your expectations while at the same time delivering the Gore these movies are known for
  • all of them were good
  • Sequels are never good, this appears to continue the franchise for the sake of trying to be shocking.
  • I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Bought it on DVD a couple years ago and have watched it at least four times. People tend to quickly & harshly judge sequels, especially when the original filmmakers aren't involved but the new setting and imaginative new take on the story of Elite Hunting and their clients make this very fun to watch.
  • Story was interesting, but not as good as the original Hostel movie.
  • Achei o melhor da série! Filme com roteiro interessante, com várias reviravoltas e você realmente sente empatia pelos personagens, algo importante neste tipo de filme. Recomendado para quem gosta de gore.
  • Wow. Yikes. Ew. Awesome. Not really sure how I feel about this movie! I loved horror movies and I loved this, but I almost threw up after this it's so gory! It did turn out to be reasonably great, and is really just a gross-out movie, nothing jump scare worthy.
  • hostel 3 is the best of the three movies
  • Not bad ...Not as good as Hostel 1 and 2Little different story , less gore horror scenesSame review at second view ...
  • fresh new expansion on the Hostel universe. surprisingly good despite the absence of Roth and straight to video release budget.
  • It's actually way better than most straight to dvds!