This black comedy stars Arye Gross as Matthew Welsh, a hotel bellboy caught in a case of mistaken identity after he pretends to be a blackmailer with dirt on a deranged fashion model (Claudia Christian).
Alan Spencer
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Alan Spencer, Alan Spencer
- One of my favorite old comedies! I haven't seen it for a while so I need to watch it again. Great cast! ...so many laughs!Reply
- There's a lot you could hate about this. But, if you turn down the brain a bit (maybe do a shot) and let the goofball characters take you on a zany ride -- you'll get some solid laughs.Reply
- This is a movie from my top 10 list. No one knows anything about this movie really but if you take the time out to watch it's somehow very funny with a sense of humor right up my alley.Reply
- Saw this as "All Shook Up" and whilst it is very low budget it has enough funny moments and one liners to keep you interested.Reply
- amazing movie. one of my all time favorites. i really like this movie. claudia is amazing in this movie.Reply
- Enjoyed this a lot more than I expected to. There's a healthy dose of decent one liners and gags in general and the director/writer is clearly going for a Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker feel which is not always successful but manages to hit the mark often enough. Worth keeping an eye on the tv schedules for.Reply
- Saw this when it first hit video. I'ts remained a favorite of mine ever since. A bit like 'Fatal Attraction' on drugs.Reply
- Pretty funny. Its from 1993, but more of an 80's feel. Cant believe i didnt see it until 2008...hmm...Funny 1-liners. "Think of all the great sex games we can play. Do you have mayonnaise and a rake?"Reply
- I happen to love slapstick humor, if you also love it, this movie is for you, if not you'll hate itReply
- Very silly, but also entertaining and funny. Claudia Christian has a field day in her role and is great. It's nothing deep, but for me it worked.Reply
- Starts off slow, but picks up steam by cashing in heavily on the set ups in the first half of the movie.Reply