Nick (Tana), a Hollywood screenwriter, discovers his cat has become murderously possessed, and will stop at nothing to rid him of any women in his life. As his life unravels out of control, Nick must find a way to have his kitty exorcised of the demonic spirit haunting her and creating a body count. With characters named after classic horror movie characters (Jones plays Father Damien, Berryman is Detective Pluto, Nina Kate is Dr. Laurie Strodes, Barbeau is Mrs Carrie), and a tone reminiscent of some of the '80s greatest horror-comedies, Hell's Kitty is undoubtedly the horror hiss of March! Hell's Kitty is written and directed by Nicholas Tana and produced by Denise Acosta.
Nicholas Tana
Nicholas Tana
  • Finally, a horror movie about cats. This looks CATCHY, and fun!
  • It's so bad it's good! One of the great web to film transitions featuring a huge cast of cameo's from horror legend greats. If your going to compare this to some big budget Hollywood blockbuster, then your watching it wrong! Just sit back, have a Bloody Mary (If your of legal age) and enjoy this fun romp of feline fear.* Best enjoyed with someone else in the room