Happy Anniversary is a romantic comedy about a relationship at a crossroads. It's Sam and Mollie's three-year anniversary, and they need to decide whether to stay together or call it quits. The story is told over the course of a single day, while flashing back to show how they arrived at this point.
Jared Stern
Jared Stern
  • Heaps of playful banter and brisk pacing make for a mildly amusing diversion.
  • This is an excellent depiction of today's confused females. I know as I am one. Well done, great in every aspect. Rare good movies. It is simply true and done well. Entertaining yet, deals with real life.
  • Enjoyable and entertaining romantic comedy, with a clever and modern tone. I recommend it highly!
  • Strengths: When you're a low-budget independent film, you know you aren't going to get the luxury of things like special effects and such. That means your movie must be led by strong performances, a great script, and some creative ideas. Happy Anniversary hits all those notes, with two leads who deliver enchanting performances and have great chemistry. The writing is very good and the story gets told in a different fashion than most similar titles, which helps it stand out. There's a ton of charm to basically every scene and you'll find yourself rooting for the couple to just be happy, whether together or apart.Weaknesses: The story gets told in a pretty creative manner, but there are a few things that take a predictable route. The characters, though likeable and delightful, are somewhat cliché. When Mollie goes off on a tangent about her concern for her ticking biological clock, you kind of groan because it's a "been there, done that" scenario. There are also tons of movies around where the issue is that they're too long, but this one is simply too short. At just 78 minutes, not everything is given enough time to develop, and that is especially true for the supporting characters.Overall: If you're a fan of this kind of movie and the actors involved, you'll certainly find good reason to enjoy this. There's quality writing and acting, as well as some clever storytelling methods. With more time, it would've allowed for other things to develop in ways that they didn't in just 78 minutes.
  • i liked these two!!! love the non-rom-com of it
  • Just watched this on Netflix. Very good movie. The girl character made me absolutely hate her due to my past experiences with women. But the thing is, the movie emotionally captured me. I have only seen Ben Schwartz through J&A skits, and loved his unique style. Nice to know he is able to be a leading man, and I am able to take him completely seriously. Kinda the same feeling after watching Jim Carrey play in Eternal Sunchine of the Spotless mind. This movie is more light-hearted though. And it is absolute in it's ending, which is something I view as a positive.
  • simple and lovely, and Noël Wells.
  • Happy Anniversary blends comedy and drama well, creating a film which never feels like one genre is more prominent than the other. Schwartz and Wells give memorable performances, balancing the comedic and dramatic moments of their character's journey.
  • ...it is a rare rom-com about what happens after the meet-cute and ensuing honeymoon phase, and it sincerely captures the restlessness that comes when external forces are putting pressure on your relationship.
  • Romcom has lots of frank sex talk, strong language.
  • Stern isn't bringing out the big guns for his directorial debut, but he does achieve a lived-in sense of coupledom, which adds a little weight to the general lightness of the material.