In "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever," Grumpy Cat is a lonely cat living in a mall pet shop. Because she always gets passed over and never gets chosen by customers, this kitty develops a sour outlook on life until...one day during the holidays, a very special 12-year-old girl named Chyrstal enters the pet store and falls in love with Grumpy Cat. A unique friendship is formed between the two when Chyrstal finds she is the only person who can hear this unique feline talk. In the middle of the holiday rush, Grumpy reluctantly thwarts the kidnapping of an expensive exotic dog she can't stand and rescues Chyrstal after the mall closes on Christmas Eve. Will Grumpy Cat learn the true meaning of Christmas, or will it be in Grumpy's words, "Worst. Christmas. Ever?" (C) Lifetime
Jeff Morris, Tim Hill
Lifetime Movie Network
Jeff Morris, Tim Hill
  • absolutely love it. now part of my Christmas movie tradition.
  • Alright look. It's obviously low-budget, low-quality, cringe-inducing... the list goes on. But HEAR ME OUT. This movie KNOWS. It totally gets that it's not fooling anyone, not you, not even *itself*. But it's still going to give you its all anyway. It's not about the talent or skill of the actors, or tastefulness or presentation. What's REALLY going on here is that *they had fun making it*. Nobody goes into a Lifetime Original Movie thinking it's going to be a worthwhile investment of their time, let alone their AUDIENCE'S time - that's right, I was talking about the *staff* of this flick there. But dammit, they tried. Some may say "they should not have tried", but I say to you, this was inevitable. And of all the possible grumpy cat movies that could have flopped unceremoniously into your cable box, I promise you that this is the best outcome of them all. If you don't like it, no one can fault you... but if you find that sweet spot, where you can get in on the joke, where you buckle down and realize that we're all in this crapsack world together, you will actually find yourself laughing WITH these folks instead of just turning it off. I say give it until Grumpy Cat describes what a mall is, and if that doesn't make you think "... okay, maybe I want to hear a little more", go ahead and shut it off, no harm no foul. But if you can get just that far in, this might just be a worthwhile watch for you.
  • A funny self deprecating movie with enough cheese to become my christmas favourite
  • This movie is hilarious! The story about the idiot rock musicians and the greedy mall owner are not the reason to watch the movie; they are decidedly pedestrian. What makes this movie so terrific is the running MST3K-like commentary from Grumpy Cat. Had me in stitches.
  • This movie is truly awful. It is just bad. However, it is almost like a car crash that you can't quite look away from. This will never be a classic Christmas movie, but I sadly have to admit that it did get me to laugh a few times. I can't recommend it, but I will say that if you like awful movies, you might find some cringe-worthy fun with this one.
  • I love this movie! Aubrey Plaza is the perfect Grumpy cat. It's not Shakespeare, but it's fun, cheesy, and meta. Along with It's a Wonderful Life and Scrooged, it's found it's way into my yearly Christmas must watch list!
  • The self deprecating meta humor & the fact that the movie practically reviews itself should please any fan of "so bad it's funny."
  • This is film type i like, it is bad commercial and it knows it, makes fun with it, and sarcasm, a ton of sarcasm. I love it. Very low budget B movie just for funz of it. Worth watching.
  • Loved it!! Need more Grumpy Cat movies!
  • Cute movie. I really enjoyed it but my only problem is that they could of got a better voice for grumpy cat than Audrey Plaza.
  • GRUMPY CAT'S WORST CHRISTMAS EVER:(B+) I hadn't really followed this enterprise, at all... and despite knowing that Aubrey Plaza would voice the grumpster, here. I was quite skeptical. Thankfully this was far more entertaining than expected... sure it has a hokey hallmark sheen to it, but it seems to exist, purely for Grumpy (Ms. Plaza) to effectively poke holes thru it all... without being too fatiguing about it, thankfully. There were also enuff grumpy non sequitur cut aways (mostly clever), to keep things interesting, when the pace nearly dragged. Apart from a mind numbing, gawdawful Steel Panther/Spinal Tap-esque subplot that added absolutely NOTHING (but irritation) to the story, I was quite amused and totally recommend the movie.
  • worst xmas movie ever, i mean th\ats what the cat said, but that cats a bit fucking grumpy, its not that bad
  • I never would have watched a Lifetime Channel Christmas movie except that I read a review that said Aubrey Plaza was voicing Grumpy Cat. The film is a rather lame hybrid of "Doctor Dolittle" and "Home Alone." Grumpy Cat is an unwanted pet in a mall pet store where all the pets can talk to one another. When two bumbling criminals break into the mall over Christmas, it's up to Grumpy Cat and a girl who can talk to her and identifies with her grumpy outsider personality to outwit the bad guys through Macaulay Culkin-like antics. That part of the film is pretty lame, but Aubrey Plaza's snotty delivery of Grumpy Cat's various interjections are enough to have made me enjoy this TV movie. I also appreciated that the film made fun of itself and holiday films in general, which helped not make the film too much of the usual Christmas sappiness.
  • this movie is hysterical, aubrey plaza is an absolute riot as grumpy cat lol
  • If they hadn't scored Aubrey Plaza for this, it would be much much worse. Her ad libbing throughout the movie (including trashing various plot points as they occur) makes this movie watchable. Not "Laugh out Loud" funny, but entertaining. You hate this movie? Grumpy Cat does to. Don't expect any dazzling writing, directing or acting. You came to see the f***ing cat, you're gonna get the f***ing cat. Ironically it's equally as entertaining as the internet meme. If you don't like the meme then why are you watching this in the first place? Critics take this movie more seriously than the movie itself does.