The harrowing story of Paco Larrañaga, a young man falsely accused of the murder of two Chinese-Filipino girls. Despite being surrounded by dozens of witnesses, Paco is taken into custody and faced with the possibility of a death sentence. A nationwide media frenzy descends upon his imprisonment, and even though he was on Manila island hundreds of miles away from the murders, Paco is blamed. Coming from a traditional powerful race and caste of Filipino society, Paco plays the much sought-after role of villain. With two groups of class and race profiled as victims and perpetrators and the media speculating on print daily, the case sees an unprecedented amount of extra-judicial attention. No matter how hard Paco fights, and how the victims' families fight, the media circus will not back down and the country is gripped. In a mix of journalism and back-door politics, Give Up Tomorrow examines the corrupt and unimaginable Filipino legislative system. Paco's landmark case may have changed the laws on capital punishment, but he is still incarcerated for life. With interviews from the families of the victims and the Larrañaga family itself, to journalist, drug dealers, and police officers, Give Up Tomorrow offers an unseen glimpse into the surreal world of the Philippines' crime and punishment.
Michael Collins
Eric Daniel Metzgar, Michael Collins
- A Compelling Story a With An Empty Outcome. The Result Of Haphazard Evidence & A Circumstantial Case a Presented By Vested Interests Looking To Absolve Their Own Guilt. The Question Screams Throughout The Whole Thing, Whom Do You Truly Believe In All Of This? The Rabbit Hole Appears To Have No Ending & This Documentary Fares More As A Diary To The Events Than An Extrapolation Of Reasons.Reply
- An unbelievable and revolting real story about an absurdly horrendous injustice suffered by a young man who has been trying to win a fight for over fifteen years now against powerful people who wanted to see him executed despite every indisputable evidence of his innocence.Reply
- Watched on Netflix, haven't been this shocked from a documentary for a while, I'm speechless. I think everyone should take their time to watch it.Reply
- This is a story of an unjust system, looking only to protect its own neck. This is the outrage of onlookers and commentators who cannot stand the ridiculous logic behind taking a man's life away when he did not commit any wrong. Most of all, this is one young man's brave fight to show the world that he can be beaten down, but not beaten. The story is reminiscent of Mumia Abu Jamal's own plight, except the circumstances of Paco's innocence are more blatant and apparent.Reply
- The documentary is so convincing but more than that, this shows the flawed judicial system in the Philippines.Reply
- The movie offers an in-depth look at how the Philippine justice system handles a high profile case, highlighting the influence of public opinion, the media, and covert government & police connections. It's a provocative story that tests the limits of due process, and the principle that people are "innocent until proven guilty." A persuasive compilation of evidence and testimonies that might garner enough support for the government to reconsider the case.Reply
- I was just 8 years old when the crime happened -- very clueless at that time. This documentary convinced me that Paco Larrañaga is indeed innocent. I am a Filipino but this documentary clearly shows the rotten state of our justice system then.Reply
- This is a documentary made in the tradition of "The Thin Blue Line" and "Paradise Lost." It's about the miscarriage of justice, only this time it hits close to home for me. It tells the story of a young man (and 6 others) who were convicted of the brutal murder and rape of two young women but this guy could not have possibly committed it since the murders happened in Cebu and he was clearly seen in Manila, the capital city in a whole other island, by 40+ witnesses.. An eye-opening look into the justice system of my country. I always knew that there's lots of corruption and disgusting things happening in our government but I had no idea it was THIS bad. It's disturbing, infuriating and heartbreaking.Reply
- I am not familiar about the whole (mis)Trial of the Century regarding Paco Larrañaga and I think this one is not just about his guilt or innocence, it's about the corrupt government system that went as high as the president to manipulate justice. So sad that it happened in our country, well made and probably the best documentary that I saw.Reply
- By far the greatest miscarriage of justice I have heard of in any country even approximating a democracy. A man in the Philippines is falsely accused and convicted of a crime that he not only did not commit, but was absolutely impossible for him to commit. Not only did he have dozens of witnesses, photographs, two proctored exams, and a security guard's sign-in sheet proving he was in Manila and therefore 320 miles away from the crime in Cebu, the prosecution had no motive, physical evidence, and may have even misidentified the body. After he was imprisoned for over a year the police present testimony from a career criminal that was extracted under torture and with total immunity and a cash payment. The judge, among other things, not only denied defense attorneys the ability to cross-examine the witness but imprisoned them all for contempt. When the life sentence was appealed to the Supreme Court, the only miscarriage of justice they could find was that he did not receive the death penalty, which they immediately remedied by imposing. An absolutely astounding combination of corruption and incompetence.Reply
- Very well made and really plasters you infront of the TV whether you like it or not. A Interesting story about the injustice of the world that's right infront of our eyes. It could happen to everybody...but most likely if you're a rich guy in the philippines. But still...pretty pretty...pretty dangerous.Reply
- En av dom bästa dokumentärerna jag sett. Tragisk historia om en oskyldigt dömd man för mord. Filippinerna är ett sjukt korrumperat land. Med ett rättssystem som är ÃÂ¥t helvete.Reply