Director Michael Dowse's sequel to his heavy-metal comedy FUBAR picks up the story of Dean (Paul Spence) and Terry (Dave Lawrence) who take off on a road-trip looking for a paycheck and gigs. But when Terry meets a great woman and considers reordering his priorities, Dean refuses to give up his dreams of taking his band Night Seeker to the big time.
R (for pervasive language, sexual content, drug use and crude behavior)
Michael Dowse
Screen Media Ventures
David Lawrence, Paul Spence, Michael Dowse, Dave Lawrence
- Similar to something like Clerks 2 (IMO at least) the sequel builds significantly on the original and will losing some of its gritty, indie appeal it offers greater depth in its characters and a far greater emotional payoff. That said it's almost completely dependent on having seen the first and having pre-existing knowledge of the characters.Reply
- Holy shit, this is how you pace a comedy. Chop it down to its barest essentials: no pauses, hide the exposition in loops over establishing shots, a plot that just gets characters from one situation to the next. It kinda reminds me of a TV show like Parks and Rec. The first movie was like the first season: pretty good, and funny, but got a bit tiresome after a while. This one's like seasons 2/3; knows its pace, knows its characters, knows its audience, doesn't stop to breathe or explain, and just goes joke-joke-joke-pratfall-joke-pratfall-joke-joke-joke-credits. And it's so much stupid fun.Reply
- Tron gets Terry and Dean jobs on the pipeline in Fort McMurray after funds run dry in Calgary. Played more straight than the first's faux-documentary style and maybe better off for it; many of these characters don't feel like actors playing a part. Special thanks to Molson, makers of Old Style Pilsner beer.Reply
- oh great canadian humor. yeah i coulda seen this movie going into bin there done that territory but it somehow kept it fresh. Very funny characters and plot and kept me laughing throughout, especially closer to the end. Very good, and the tag lin on the cover describes it perfectly boasting it as a cross between spinal tap and trailer park boys.Reply
- The best rocker movie since 'This Is Spinal Tap' and the funniest Canadian duo since Hoser's Bob & Doug tried getting a free case from the local brewery by sticking a mouse in an empty bottle...it's thoroughly astonishing how divergent and funny this is, but it has its tender moments as well.Reply
- Trashy, wild but oh so heartwarming. A well-made Canadian mock-doc that follows the lives of two slacker best friends as they attempt to balance maturation with an unbridled lust for life.Reply