6.8 Exam
Horror, Mystery & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Shown into a windowless examination room, eight candidates have reached the final stage of selection for a prestigious job at a mysterious corporation. There is one question before them and one answer is required. If they try to speak to him or the armed guard by the door they will be disqualified. If they leave the room for any reason they will be disqualified. If they spoil their papers they will be disqualified. As the clock ticks down, they must figure out what the company expects of them, and how far they are prepared to go to secure the ultimate job.
Stuart Hazeldine
Bedlam Productions
Stuart Hazeldine
  • "X characters trapped in a room having to figure out an exit."Sound familiar? This has been the premise to SO many movies such as a Twilight Zone episode, 12 Angry Men, Saw, and much more. Where Exam works is its 'not really but actually' sci-fi element, where throughout the presentation you're given slight hints as to what's outside the room. It's a great ride all the way until the end.But like with all of these movies, there's going to be a reveal at the end...and this one's was "fine". It wasn't a game-changer of a reveal (in some ways it was very silly), but it was certainly different enough to remember it by. "Exam" is currently on Netflix. I watched it on a Sunday night when there was nothing else really on and I enjoyed it. Given that scenario, I think you would too.
  • A tightly directed exercise in paranoia that, unfortunately stumbles in a unsatisfying conclusion.
  • 3.4Exam is one of those clever movies that challenges the viewer to think about what is hidden from the audience as well as from the contestants, and while it manages to be entretaining and fun through this, it sadly doesnt have the scope or the depth of other similar experiences.
  • If you like this elimination type of movie. It is quite entertaining.
  • The first half of the film is strung together in such a suspenseful manner, with a claustrophobic environment and interesting characters, but unfortunately as the film wraps up, the script begins to fall apart, while the disappointing twist fails to elevate the film in any way.
  • The acting was pretty good. The premise was odd and entertaining.
  • This British thriller reminds me a lot of Cube (1997). It's low-budget, simplistic, shot on one location, but yet, manages to keep your attention and entertain you, and this movie is so well made, that I sort of forgot that it was a little low budget movie. Recommended !!
  • weirdly good. its possible to have a great movie with no money expent. great. 09/13/2016
  • I can't say I loved it,I can't say that I didn't like it either. It was a great time to have fun with friends. The plot was interesting and kept you thinking stuff together with the protagonsits. Something was off putting though and that might have been the lack of information for the protagonists and their background or the unsatisfying ending.
  • I really enjoy movies like this. When a movie can keep you interested and entertained while the set takes place entirely in one roo then I believe that's something worth watching. This movie has decent acting, makes you think, and is unique in its idea. I would recommend it and watch it again. There are things of course that could be better but for what it is and they were trying to do I believe it was overall a success. Give it a try.
  • Plot twists, lighting changes and shifts of tone work hard to sustain our attention, but the script sometimes becomes too involved in solving the structural challenges it has set itself.
  • Idenya original tapi tetep masih kurang greget dan terlalu mengada - ada. Misterinya dapet banget dan unsur thriller cukup kuat.
  • Although it begins quite well, Exam is too unoriginal and only draws inevitable comparisons to The Apprentice and films like Cube and The Method. However, the real problem is how pointless the story really is, including a frustrating ending.
  • Best single room film since 12 Angry Men
  • Really liked it, bottom line.