Comedian Eddie Murphy's live appearance before a packed Washington D.C. audience is the subject of this performance film. The film is most notable as a showcase for the extremely risque -- and at times potentially offensive -- side of Murphy's humor, often toned down in his other film and television projects.
Bruce Gowers
Eddie Murphy
- One of the best stand up specials ever. The bits are intricate and very funny, and the jokes still makes me laugh today.Reply
- This film, while slightly stepping on the offensive side, is absolutely hilarious and if you don't laugh your face off at least once, you might want to go see a doctor.Reply
- I always though Raw was better though Delirious is still pretty fucking hilarious at times.Reply
- Eddie's stand up is so fast and edgy that he gets three stars just for the "ICE CREAM! YOU CAN'T GET NO ICE CREAM BECAUSE YOU momma's on de wellllllllllllllllfffffffffÃÂ ÃÂ Aaare" nnokv Eddie's quick approach, truths in life humor and ability to tell insults and raw humor.Reply
- Eddie Murphy never failed to bring his undeniable charisma to the stage in this stand up classic. His raunchiness and openness with his humor make him really fun to watch and his impressions are spot on. However like most specials, not every story is as funny as the next. Delirious is really funny nevertheless and you can pretty much watch this at any time and still laugh at it. BReply
- The fact that Eddie Murphy was just 22 when he was performing in this film is amazing. It's still very funny and Eddie is entirely watchable. It's a shame, I suppose, that there is some on-the-line content front loaded into the film, material that comes across as homophobic and touches on the broad public misconceptions about the AIDS crisis. Even so, it's a moment in history and a shining example of a performer at his peak.Reply
- Once I heard about Eddie Murphy's stand up special I watched it right away and I miss him because holy shit he's funny, I actually felt like I was there watching the entire thing.Reply
- At only 22 years of age, Eddie Murphy has took the world by storm with his edgy, profane and genius brand of comedy along with his spot-on impressions, and this memorable concert film perfectly showcases these skills, earning him a place as one of the most successful actors in Hollywood.Reply
- Eddie Murphy Delirious is one of the best comedy routines I've ever seen, standing up there with 'Raw" and Robin Williams' "Weapons of Self-Destruction". Although Eddie does make a lot of jokes that nowadays would never fly (for example, jokes concerning gays, AIDS, even Bill Cosby), it still is hilarious and will definitely make anyone's day.Reply