Coming home from a routine trip to the movies, eight-year-old Tim (Bird) and his mother, Sarah (Ormond) are picked up by a psychopathic cab driver named Bob (D'Onofrio). It ends up being their last ride together. Bob murders the young boy's mother and keeps Tim as his unwilling protégée, making him clean up the mess following each murder he commits. After a couple of aborted escape attempts, Bob chains Tim - now renamed Rabbit -- allowing just enough length to move freely within the house. As the years pass, Bob starts instructing Rabbit, teaching him anatomy and human behavior. Now a teenager, Rabbit (Eamon Farren, X: Night of Vengeance) is slowly being pressed by Bob to start his own homicidal spree. Slowly but surely, he must soon choose whether to follow in Bob's serial killer footsteps or make one final, desperate attempt to break free...
R (for disturbing and sadistic violent content including bloody killings and rape, and for language and sexuality)
Jennifer Chambers Lynch
Anchor Bay Films
Jennifer Chambers Lynch
  • It's worth the shot of watching. My husband and I are both really into this. Some parts slow. But it's very interesting. Keeps you watching. I recommend
  • The most disturbing film I've seen for some time, so kudos for that! Stays away from being too explicit in violence or sex, more relying on a build up on the terror of the events taking place. Not for the faint hearted!
  • This film left me feeling somewhat confused and horrified. The direction, production, acting and story was good. I feel bad about enjoying the film because it is genuinely horrific. It's a very well made very disturbing film. I don't think I'll sleep comfortably tonight.
  • Una película de terror piscológico. En la que una madre y un niño son secuestrados por un demente. La madre es violada y asesinada y el niño empieza a ser criado hasta convertirse en un hombre por este loco, presenciando constantemente asesinatos de mujeres. Ya, un joven, Bob (Vincent D'Onofrrio) lo presiona al adolescente Rabbit (Eamon Farren) para que empiece a matar chicas. Solo tendrá una oportunidad para pelear por su libertad y vencer todos los temores a los que ha sido sometido
  • I actually liked the twist to this one and although it's a very sinister story, it's done well. I was happy that although there is violence, it could have been a lot worse. Worth a watch if you like these thrillers.
  • Suspenseful and creepy with a wonderful performance from D'Onofrio
  • Doesn't hold up well under narrative and logical scrutiny but this nasty little flick is claustrophobic and mostly effective.
  • Whereas David Lynch is a master of creating great psychological stories full of symbolism, his daughter Jennifer always barely scratches the surface, here with another obvious film that is not really well conceived, be it literally or metaphorically (as a tale of parental "chains"), and the end is awful.
  • ...un crudo concetto di "famiglia"..e di "lavoro"...
  • Disturbing horror. A kid is brought up by a serial killer who murdered his mum and is brought up to serve him.
  • Interesting characters and dark story makes this film work well.
  • A rather good claustrophobic, suspenseful horror. D'Onofrio is at his best as the captivating Bob. Also has a Plot Twist at the end, which you dont see coming. Highly Recommended.
  • Well , nice Suspense Thriller in my eyes ! Not a boring moment , the only thing i don't understand is why the kid ( or later ) boy didn't kill the guy or escape ! Cool one
  • Disturbing in its premise, this is a psychological horror with a large 'P'. You pick at the plot a little bit, but it's hard to dismiss its plausibility and it's therefore very unsettling but effective.
  • Disturbing as hell!!