Stephen Turnbull hasn't been outside in months, and when he finds his mind hurtling back to the disastrous trek around Europe he undertook with his friend Bunny, a catalogue of adventures unfold. Stephen's flat becomes the springboard for an extraordinary odyssey through lands made up of snapshots and souvenir replica landmarks within his imagination. "Bunny & the Bull" is a touching and beautiful journey to the end of the room.
Warp X
  • A damn right surreal and odd film that is a completely different league of quirky. Bunny and the bull is a funny, artsy comedy that tells the story of an agoraphobic living life by routines. The film is structured through flash back and tells the story of the two guys on a european holiday and why he turned into an agoraphobic. Some very funny moments and nice to see cameos from noel fielding and julian barratt. A great film that is way out there.
  • The three stars are present only for the artistic style of this film, which is a nod to Gondry and Anderson. The script is weak, the actors wooden and plot empty which wastes the beautiful visuals of this film. Such a shame.
  • Wasn't sure where this was going, but ended up enjoying it.
  • This is a totally mental film! Not 1/20th as mental as Noel Fielding Luxury Comedy but up there! The surreal backgrounds and animation only reinforce mundane nature of Ed Hogg's character's slow decent into madness from just being anal retentive all the way to the full blown shut-in and hallucinatory states. Worth watching just for the spectacular artistic value alone!
  • Trippy, well filmed, awesome
  • A nice little slightly surreal flick about an agoraphobic guy who thinks back on a European trip he took a year ago with his best friend Bunny. Nicely shot with some clever little elements thrown in there too although it does pad things out a little too much at times. Needed a shorter running time and less filler moments to speed it along a bit, but all in all a good film; even if you could see the ending from around half way through the movie.
  • Now this is how you make a ghost story! Noelle thought it was more a study in pathological neurosis and anxiety, but me, I thought it was a right smashing ghost story. Visually it is a great movie, the story drags a bit in the middle, but the visuals more than make up for it. On the same level as Obayashi's HOUSE. The sets are either incredibly inventive - pulled together from the shut-ins existence or they are animated in the same twisted manner. The movie takes a darker tone in the third act, which sort of ruins the first parts. Still, I would recommend this to anyone who likes visual inventiveness.
  • A Mighty Boosch styled ripoff of other (better) movies. I can't honestly say that's a bad thing though.
  • For all the non-likability of its leads, "Bunny and the Bull" is an exceptionally well-made debut from a very fine variety behind the best of UK TV.
  • This is one of those films that is funny, inventive, endearing, and also touched with a smidgeon of heartfelt sentimentality. Some of the set designs are wonderful.
  • Yet another film that manages to triumph in form but fail in substance - but here there is enough visual appeal and a fun quirky soundtrack to at least make me smile
  • its original,you have to give it that.
  • Awesome movie! Great story, great visuals. Check it out on Netflix.
  • this deserves 95%, not 61%
  • It feels as agoraphobic as its main character, which isn't necessarily a good thing.