In this sex comedy set in mid-'80s India, an all-male college quiz team are thrilled when they are invited to take part in a nationwide championship in Calcutta, since they hope the trip will give them the opportunity to lose their virginities. Along the way, team leader Naman (Shashank Arora) falls for a female competitor (Anula Shirish Navlekar). Directed by Qaushiq Mukherjee.
Qaushiq Mukherjee
Naman Ramachandran
- Netflix did it in single meaning what bollywood has been trying to do with double meaning all along. Where did you go song is the bestest I say...Reply
- Slow start this one will be tough for the typical western audience but turn off the subtitles and give it a chanceReply
- An fantastic portrayal of how a collegiate quizzer's mind works. Although it could have imbibed a cult following if the virginity rhetoric could have been toned down, and if it wasn't the central theme of the movie.Reply
- There's fun internal bickering among the lads, mostly about bovine sex, but what writer Naman Ramachandran best captures is the sexist, selfish creed to which the groups at hand subscribe.Reply
- The 1980s in southern India receive affectionate reimagining in Brahman Naman, a coming-of-age-comedy about sex-obsessed college students and their quest to lose their virginity.Reply
- It's like that childhood friend of yours that kept giving you the most disgusting dares in a round of truth or dare, mocking you for not having the courage to follow through.Reply
- Proves to be more layered than its promises of shenanigans may expect, especially as this is the rare sex comedy that doesn't glorify the male gaze.Reply