An unprecedented cinematic journey ten years in the making and spanning the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios' "Avengers: Infinity War" brings to the screen the ultimate, deadliest showdown of all time. The Avengers and their Super Hero allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.
PG-13 (for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action throughout, language and some crude references)
Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Walt Disney Pictures
Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely
- Pretty good and solid film, except I was a little upset over the ending. However, I also understand this was setting up the Avengers 4. Nevertheless, this left movie kept me on the edge of my seat and wanting more! Definitely worth seeing at the movie theater because it's full of surprises, awesome team-ups, plenty of action and some well placed comedic moments.Reply
- (95/100)''Oh my god'' were the only words that I could describe this movie with. Avengers: Infinity War is a game changing spectacle with a lot of great fun action and sad emotional moments. Thankfully, you really feel for Thanos (Josh Brolin) and you kind of understand his point of view. SPOILERS AHEAD DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED. Killing this many characters on screen in this manner is truly unexpected, I really hope everyone returns because of the Time Stone or something because, wow I'm shocked. Spider-Man's (Tom Holland) death was truly heartbreaking and Gamora's (Zoe Saldana) also. I like that they don't beat Thanos (Josh Brolin) yet and that we need to see another Avengers movie, it isn't as simple as some think. It has some great character development and a really intriguing plot. Avengers Infinity War lives up to the hype and even exceeds its hype. Best movie in the MCU so far.Reply
- Avengers: Infinity War is officially either my favorite or my second favorite Marvel movie (compared to Black Panther), and I am so glad to be saying that because before watching this film, I had a fear that it wasn't going to be nearly as good as it looks, and during the first hour of this film, I believed that fear. The humor didn't feel placed very well, and a few of the dark moments were ruined by unnecessary gags, but after that hour ended, I knew that this film was going to be wonderful. The action sequences were dazzling and incredibly exciting, and it made me giddy to see all of these complex characters in the same movie. Thanos is definitely my favorite villain, and he brought this new emotion and sensation of darkness to the Marvel Cinematic Universe that was unforgettable -- Josh Brolin's performance was fabulous. There were several plot twists as well that left me jaw-dropped, and I've never really felt like that while watching a Marvel film before this. A few scenes did drag on and as I said previously, the first hour of this film wasn't very enjoyable for me, but in the end, Infinity War had all the emotions and excitement that I needed to be in this film and I loved it. 96%Reply
- 6 Star film! Spoiler alertsFrom the dark epic theme at the beginning of the film with Thanos explaining how it feels to fail and the outcome of that scene, my jaw was on the floor!So many characters handled so well and given their moments to shine with a believable villain that had depth and meaning.Alan Sylvsetri outdid himself with a soundtrack to match the action depth and emotional content of the film.The interaction between Stark and Strange was brilliant to little thing like Strange giving him a little wink and Stark responding with a wry smile.Is in my top 3 films of all time.Reply
- Its unexpected twists and turns, marketing strategy, electric direction, somber performances, and a villain so emotionally thoughtful it should be enough to overcome its heavy reliance on CGI and poor character development/use on certain scenes.Reply
- One of the best MCU and superhero films of all time. The film brilliantly balances all of its characters while giving Thanos a fair amount of character development.Reply
- The best MCU film, possibly best Marvel film. Shows the real fruits of nihilism, a very prevalent philosophy in at least current western society. Sometimes an inevitable outcome faces us, but it is always our job to keep our humanity while holding onto morals that value the individual. Sometimes opposition needs to happen, but we should never be the one to cause the kind of opposition that ends life.Reply
- While I'm not a massive fan of superhero movies, I did enjoy this one and think it should be praised simply for being able to have so many characters without it feeling too messy. Thanos is an effective villain, having feelings and motivations - sort of being the protagonist and the villain at the same time.Reply